Nanotech powers on-chip intelligence. Measuring age-dependent viscoelasticity of organelles, cells and organisms with time-shared optical tweezer microrheology. Half-wave nanolasers and intracellular plasmonic lasing particles. Momentum tunnelling between nanoscale liquid flows. Negative memory capacitance and ionic filtering effects in asymmetric nanopores. Tracking nonlinear conversion of light in van der Waals waveguides. Salt-in-presalt electrolyte solutions for high-potential non-aqueous sodium metal batteries. ON-OFF nanopores for optical control of transmembrane ionic communication. Dipolar wavevector interference induces a polar skyrmion lattice in strained BiFeO 3 films. Chemistry, manufacturing and controls strategies for using novel excipients in lipid nanoparticles. Anomalous Hall spin current drives self-generated spin-orbit torque in a ferromagnet. Ferroelectricity with concomitant Coulomb screening in van der Waals heterostructures. Spatiotemporal imaging of nonlinear optics in van der Waals waveguides. Remote epitaxial crystalline perovskites for ultrahigh-resolution micro-LED displays. Ferrimagnetic Heusler tunnel junctions with fast spin-transfer torque switching enabled by low magnetization Autophagosomes coated in situ with nanodots act as personalized cancer vaccines AND-gated protease-activated nanosensors for programmable detection of anti-tumour immunity Bruno Scrosati (1937–2024) The importance of basic electrochemistry terminology in the era of interdisciplinary battery research Author Correction: Graphene oxide electrodes enable electrical stimulation of distinct calcium signalling in brain astrocytes Nanomedicine pioneers awarded the Kavli Prize. Hype kills your story. Perovskites light a path forward Nanoscale one-dimensional close packing of interfacial alkali ions driven by water-mediated attraction. Dynamicity of atoms in a liquid metal catalyst enables selective propylene synthesis. Nanoturbine driven by flow across a nanopore. All-optical free-space routing of upconverted light by metasurfaces via nonlinear interferometry. Dynamic configurations of metallic atoms in the liquid state for selective propylene synthesis. Efficient multicarbon formation in acidic CO 2 reduction via tandem electrocatalysis. A wearable aptamer nanobiosensor for non-invasive female hormone monitoring. A DNA turbine powered by a transmembrane potential across a nanopore. A modular approach to enhancing cell membrane-coated nanoparticle functionality using genetic engineering. Associating growth factor secretions and transcriptomes of single cells in nanovials using SEC-seq. Combinatorial development of nebulized mRNA delivery formulations for the lungs. Bacteria-derived nanovesicles enhance tumour vaccination by trained immunity. Single-molecule force stability of the SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 interface in variants-of-concern. The intersection of bottom-up synthetic cell engineering and nanobiotechnology. Interlinking spatial dimensions and kinetic processes in dissipative materials to create synthetic systems with lifelike functionality. An integrated microwave-to-optics interface for scalable quantum computing. Asymmetric conducting route and potential redistribution determine the polarization-dependent conductivity in layered ferroelectrics. Correlated insulator and Chern insulators in pentalayer rhombohedral-stacked graphene. Spontaneous broken-symmetry insulator and metals in tetralayer rhombohedral graphene. Ultraviolet interlayer excitons in bilayer WSe 2 . Reversible optical data storage below the diffraction limit. High-energy all-solid-state lithium batteries enabled by Co-free LiNiO 2 cathodes with robust outside-in structures. Honeybee comb-inspired stiffness gradient-amplified catapult for solid particle repellency. A rhythmically pulsing leaf-spring DNA-origami nanoengine that drives a passive follower. Multivalent insulin receptor activation using insulin-DNA origami nanostructures. Inhibition of acute complement responses towards bolus-injected nanoparticles using targeted short-circulating regulatory proteins. Age-associated disparity in phagocytic clearance affects the efficacy of cancer nanotherapeutics.