Book & E-book E-book 검색어 입력 도서관 소장 최신 E-book 광운대학교 도서관에서 이용가능한 경제학 분야 최신 eBook입니다. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Summary of Stephanie Kelton's The Deficit Myth Media, IRB (2021) Summary of Matt Ridley's The Rational Optimist Media, IRB (2021) Summary of Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo's Poor Economics Media, IRB (2021) There's an elephant in your office : practical tips to successfully identif.. Johnson, Ashley Sides (2021) Your beliefs are the reasons why Patty! Shea (2021) Who we know : the power of physical and digital networks in our lives Khalili, Kasra (2021) Developing the Character of Success : Achieving in Hard Times. 1st ed Mburani, Esther (2021) How Texas contractors can skyrocket their after-tax income Nguyen, Tina (2021) JAIIB 2022 : accounting & finance for bankers Manglik, Rohit (2021) The absent prince : in search of missing men - a family memoir O'Connell, Una Suseli (2020) With pen and pencil on the frontier in 1851 the diary and sckeches of frank.. Heilbron, Bertha L. (2020) Probleme des Finanzausgleichs III. : Finanzausgleich im Rahmen der EuropaÌ.. Pohmer, Dieter Duncker & Humblot(2020) Public finance fundamentals / Third edition Moeti, Kabelo (2019) A nation in debt : how can we pay the bills? Stokes, Sutton (2019) Global determinants of the international movment of production factors : ec.. Melnyk, Tetiana SCIENTIFIC ROUTE OU(2018) ASSESSMENT IN ACCOUNTING : concept and tools. [electronic resource] Fomina, Olena SCIENTIFIC ROUTE OU(2018) Osterweiterung und Transformationskrisen Nutzinger, Hans G. Duncker & Humblot(2015) More than revenue : taxation as a development tool / First edition Corbacho, Ana (2013) Inequality in America : facts, trends, and international perspective / [ele.. Dadush, Uri B. Brookings Institution Press(2012) The decline in saving : a threat to America's prosperity? / [electronic res.. Bosworth, Barry Brookings Institution(2011) The changing wealth of nations : measuring sustainable development in the n.. World Bank (2010) Wirtschaftspolitik im Zeichen europaÌischer Integration : Festschrift fu.. KoÌsters, Wim Duncker & Humblot(2009) EuropaÌische Union ohne Grenzen? Ahrens, Joachim Duncker & Humblot(2007) Global issues for global citizens : an introduction to key development chal.. Bhargava, Vinay Kumar World Bank(2006) Fiscal sustainability in theory and practice : a handbook / [electronic res.. Burnside, Craig World Bank(2005) Capitalism : a very short introduction / [electronic resource] Fulcher, James Oxford University Press(2004) International financial reporting standards : practical guide / [electronic.. Greuning, Hennie van World Bank(2004) MoÌglichkeiten und Grenzen einer nationalen Sozialpolitik in der Europa.. Badelt, Christoph Duncker & Humblot(2001) Erweiterung der EU : Jahrestagung des Vereins fuÌr Socialpolitik, Gesell.. Brandsma, Andries Duncker & Humblot(2000) Perspektiven der Osterweiterung und Reformbedarf der EuropaÌischen Union Eickhof, Norbert Duncker & Humblot(1998) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8