Measuring personality change in psychoanalytic treatments: Opportunities for the use of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. Effects of mentalization on the therapeutic relationship from patient and therapist perspectives: A longitudinal analysis. Review of Your Mum and Dad. Sex on the spectrum: Sexuality’s potential to free up autistic subjectivity. Review of Gender Without Identity. Table of contents Subscription Order Information Cover Cover publication information Cover advertisement New Editors Appointed Advertisement Call for Nominations The sadomasochistic character and borderline personality organization: Working through the underlying conflicts and defenses using transference-focused psychotherapy. Mentalizing, personality organization, and symptomatology in children and adolescents using the psychodynamic diagnostic manual. E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Online! Review of Colonial trauma: A study of the psychic and political consequences of colonial oppression in Algeria and Spheres of insurrection: Notes on decolonizing the unconscious. Review of Transgenerational trauma: A contemporary introduction. Review of Life after death: Surviving suicide. Acknowledgment Members of Underrepresented Groups: Reviewers for Journal Manuscripts Wanted Table of contents Cover Cover publication information Cover advertisement Subscription Order Information Advertisement The logic of the symptom: Using a complex assessment procedure to reformulate the psychotherapeutic plan of a 9-year-old suicidal child. Developing an index to assess malignant narcissism in patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder using measures of pathological narcissism and psychopathy. E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Online! Review of Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice: A Minding the Baby Approach. Members of Underrepresented Groups: Reviewers for Journal Manuscripts Wanted Table of contents Cover Cover publication information Cover advertisement Subscription Order Information Advertisement The allure of the patient’s objects: Countertransference pitfalls and possibilities. Trans identity development and integration. Mother’s disintegrative responses in the context of infant care: Clinical and empirical evidence of the role of empathy and parity. E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Online! Blighted phenomena: Learning to work with the dark. Review of Reading French Psychoanalysis. Members of Underrepresented Groups: Reviewers for Journal Manuscripts Wanted Table of contents Cover Cover publication information Cover advertisement Advertisement