Combining automation and expertise: A semi-automated approach to correcting eye-tracking data in reading tasks.
The Salford Nature Environments Database (SNED): an open-access database of standardized high-quality pictures from natural environments
How to determine hands’ vibration perception thresholds – a systematic review
FLexSign: A lexical database in French Sign Language (LSF).
A multiverse assessment of the reliability of the self-matching task as a measurement of the self-prioritization effect.
How accurately can we estimate spontaneous body kinematics from video recordings? Effect of movement amplitude on OpenPose accuracy.
Large language models can segment narrative events similarly to humans.
A normative database of Swahili-Chinese paired associates.
Validation of the Emotionally Congruent and Incongruent Face-Body Static Set (ECIFBSS).
The Visual Integration of Semantic and Spatial Information of Objects in Naturalistic Scenes (VISIONS) database: attentional, conceptual, and perceptual norms.
Trace: A research media player measuring real-time audience engagement.
Quantitative comparison of a mobile, tablet-based eye-tracker and two stationary, video-based eye-trackers.
The fundamentals of eye tracking part 4: Tools for conducting an eye tracking study.
Expansion of the SyllabO+ corpus and database: Words, lemmas, and morphology.
Reliability and validity of four cognitive interpretation bias measures in the context of social anxiety.
The Beyond Reality Image Collection (BRIC).
Testing measurement invariance in a conditional likelihood framework by considering multiple covariates simultaneously.
Semantic alignment: A measure to quantify the degree of semantic equivalence for English-Chinese translation equivalents based on distributional semantics.
Quantifying sighting dominance using on-display projections of monocular and binocular views.
Author Correction: Analytical power calculations for structural equation modeling: A tutorial and Shiny app.
A response time-based mixture item response theory model for dynamic item-response strategies.
Robust estimation of the latent trait in graded response models.
ROAR-CAT: Rapid Online Assessment of Reading ability with Computerized Adaptive Testing.
A note on using random starting values in small sample SEM.
Predicting image memorability from evoked feelings.
Establishing construct validity for dynamic measures of behavior using naturalistic study designs.
Continuous motion tracking for accurate and efficient color vision assessment.
Enhancing eye tracking for nonhuman primates and other subjects unable to follow instructions: Adaptive calibration and validation of Tobii eye trackers with the Titta toolbox.
Using large language models to estimate features of multi-word expressions: Concreteness, valence, arousal.
Affective Norms for German as a Second Language (ANGL2).
The power of effect size stabilization.
Predicting high variability in imageability ratings across age groups and its influence on visual word recognition.
Cross-species real-time detection of trends in pupil size fluctuation.
Toward an Asian-based bodily movement database for emotional communication.
DerLex: An eye-movement database of derived word reading in English.
Dance with me? Analyzing interpersonal synchrony and quality of interaction during joint dance.
Motor styles in action: Developing a computational framework for operationalization of motor distances.
The PSR corpus: A Persian sentence reading corpus of eye movements.
The forced-response method: A new chronometric approach to measure conflict processing.
The fundamentals of eye tracking part 1: The link between theory and research question.
BRAND: Brand recognition and attitude norms database.
Reliably measuring learning-dependent distractor suppression with eye tracking.
MacBehaviour: An R package for behavioural experimentation on large language models.
5956 German affective norms for atmospheres in organizations (GANAiO).
Individual differences in online research: Comparing lab-based and online administration of a psycholinguistic battery of linguistic and domain-general skills.
Eye tracker calibration: How well can humans refixate a target?
A modular machine learning tool for holistic and fine-grained behavioral analysis.
A corpus of Chinese word segmentation agreement.
The Italian Crowdsourcing Project: Visual word recognition times for 130,495 Italian words.
Moving beyond word frequency based on tally counting: AI-generated familiarity estimates of words and phrases are an interesting additional index of language knowledge.