When Social Hierarchy, Power, and Collective Autonomy Motivate Social Movement and Counter-Movement Mobilization Among Disadvantaged and Advantaged Groups.
Insight in the Conspiracist's Mind.
Mobilizing or Sedative Effects? A Narrative Review of the Association Between Intergroup Contact and Collective Action Among Advantaged and Disadvantaged Groups.
Mental Time Travel as Self-Affirmation.
Distinguishing Emotion Regulation Success in Daily Life From Maladaptive Regulation and Dysregulation.
The Intergroup Value Protection Model: A Theoretically Integrative and Dynamic Approach to Intergroup Conflict Escalation in Democratic Societies.
Believing That We Can Change Our World for the Better: A Triple-A (Agent-Action-Aim) Framework of Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Context of Collective Social and Ecological Aims.
Self- and Other-Orientation in High Rank: A Cultural Psychological Approach to Social Hierarchy.
The Migration Experience: A Conceptual Framework and Systematic Scoping Review of Psychological Acculturation.
Two Years Into the Next Chapter at PSPR
On Personality Measures and Their Data: A Classification of Measurement Approaches and Their Recommended Uses
Power to Detect What? Considerations for Planning and Evaluating Sample Size
When People Do Allyship: A Typology of Allyship Action
Beyond Trolleyology: The CNI Model of Moral-Dilemma Responses
A Theoretical Model of Victimization, Perpetration, and Denial in Mass Atrocities: Case Studies From Indonesia, Cambodia, East Timor, and Myanmar
How Can Debiasing Research Aid Efforts to Reduce Discrimination?
How and Why People Synchronize: An Integrated Perspective
The Case for Heterogeneity in Metacognitive Appraisals of Biased Beliefs
Being as Having, Loving, and Doing: A Theory of Human Well-Being
Decoding the Dynamics of Cultural Change: A Cultural Evolution Approach to the Psychology of Acculturation
On (Im)Patience: A New Approach to an Old Virtue
Intergenerational Storytelling and Positive Psychosocial Development: Stories as Developmental Resources for Marginalized Groups
In the Mind’s Eye: Exploring the Relationship Between Visual Mental Imagery and Stereotyping
“My Aim Is True”: An Attribution-Identity Model of Ally Sincerity
Corrigendum to Attachment security priming: A meta-analysis(Pers Soc Psychol Rev., (2022), 26, (3), (183-241), 10.1177/10888683211054592)
Where Is Capitalism? Unmasking Its Hidden Role in Psychology
The Prioritization of Prospection
Beyond Good or Bad: The Four Evaluative Quadrants of Relationships
When Is Masculinity "Fragile"? An Expectancy-Discrepancy-Threat Model of Masculine Identity.
Social Psychology of and for World-Making.
Motivated Categories: Social Structures Shape the Construction of Social Categories Through Attentional Mechanisms.
Dress is a Fundamental Component of Person Perception.
The Ongoing Development of Strength-Based Approaches to People Who Hold Systemically Marginalized Identities.
The Problem of Purity in Moral Psychology.
Social Verification Theory: A New Way to Conceptualize Validation, Dissonance, and Belonging.
Feminist Social Vision: Seeing Through the Lens of Marginalized Perceivers.
The Fusion-Secure Base Hypothesis.
The Stressful Personality: A Meta-Analytical Review of the Relation Between Personality and Stress.
Do Salient Social Norms Moderate Mortality Salience Effects? A (Challenging) Meta-Analysis of Terror Management Studies.
How Imagination and Memory Shape the Moral Mind.
Value Fulfillment from a Cybernetic Perspective: A New Psychological Theory of Well-Being.
Social Movements as Parsimonious Explanations for Implicit and Explicit Attitude Change.
Manipulating Belief in Free Will and Its Downstream Consequences: A Meta-Analysis.
Sixty Years After Orne's American Psychologist Article: A Conceptual Framework for Subjective Experiences Elicited by Demand Characteristics.
Connecting to Community: A Social Identity Approach to Neighborhood Mental Health
sj-pdf-1-psr-10.1177_10888683231178056 – Supplemental material for Believing That We Can Change Our World for the Better: A Triple-A (Agent-Action-Aim) Framework of Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Context of Collective Social and Ecological Aims
Manipulating belief in free will and its downstream consequences : a meta-analysis
sj-pdf-1-psr-10.1177_10888683231178056 – Supplemental material for Believing That We Can Change Our World for the Better: A Triple-A (Agent-Action-Aim) Framework of Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Context of Collective Social and Ecological Aims
When Is Masculinity 'Fragile'? An Expectancy-Discrepancy-Threat Model of Masculine Identity
The Ongoing Development of Strength-Based Approaches to People Who Hold Systemically Marginalized Identities