Towards an understanding of readiness for trauma-focussed therapy in post-traumatic stress disorder: A conceptual integration of empirical data and theoretical constructs
Addressing Gambling Harm to affected others: A scoping review (part II: Coping, assessment and treatment)
Talking about trauma: A systematic review of young people's reactions to trauma-focused research
A meta-analysis of mortality rates in eating disorders: An update of the literature from 2010 to 2024
To be aware or not to be aware of the prognosis in the terminal stage of cancer? A systematic review of the associations between prognostic awareness with anxiety, depression, and quality of life according to cancer stage
Involuntary autobiographical memories as a transdiagnostic factor in mental disorders
Mental illness and personal recovery: A narrative identity framework
Moderators of cognitive and behaviour therapies for prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The impact of interventions for depression on self-perceptions in young people: A systematic review & meta-analysis
Are digital psychological interventions for psychological distress and quality of life in cancer patients effective? A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Why most research based on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test is unsubstantiated and uninterpretable: A response to Murphy and Hall (2024)
Five-factor personality traits and functional somatic disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
What is fidelity? A systematic review of provider fidelity and its associations with engagement and outcomes in parenting programs
Prevalence of mental health conditions, substance use disorders, suicidal ideation and attempts, and experiences of homelessness among Veterans with criminal-legal involvement: A meta-analysis
System justification, subjective well-being, and mental health symptoms in members of disadvantaged minority groups
Editorial Board.
Scoping review of withdrawal's role in contemporary gaming disorder research: Conceptualizations and operationalizations
The deficit in cognitive reappraisal capacity in individuals with anxiety or depressive disorders: meta-analyses of behavioral and neuroimaging studies
Understanding non-response in psychotherapy: A meta-synthesis
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrating the impact of study quality on prevalence rates
Gender nonconformity and common mental health problems: A meta-analysis
The association between digital addiction and interpersonal relationships: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Positive health outcomes of mindfulness-based interventions for cancer patients and survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Sleep and paranoia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Factors related to help-seeking and service utilization for professional mental healthcare among young people: An umbrella review
Bridging perspectives - A review and synthesis of 53 theoretical models of delusions
The psychometric assessment of the older adult in pain: A systematic review of assessment instruments
Comparison of effects of interventions to promote the mental health of parents of children with autism: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Motor actions across psychiatric disorders: A research domain criteria (RDoC) perspective
Network meta-analysis examining efficacy of components of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia
The current evidence of solution-focused brief therapy: A meta-analysis of psychosocial outcomes and moderating factors
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between sensory processing differences and internalising/externalising problems in autism
Inter-identity amnesia and memory transfer in dissociative identity disorder: A systematic review with a meta-analysis
The influence of expectations and attention on conditioned pain modulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Efficacy of app-based mobile health interventions for stress management: A systematic review and meta-analysis of self-reported, physiological, and neuroendocrine stress-related outcomes
Altered representation of peripersonal and interpersonal space in psychopathology
Corrigendum to “Network meta-analysis examining efficacy of components of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia’ [Clinical Psychology Review 114 (2024) 102507].
Do the effects of internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy (i-CBT) last after a year and beyond? A meta-analysis of 154 randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
How a strong measurement validity review can go astray: A look at and recommendations for future measurement-focused reviews
Editorial Board
A systematic review of interpersonal processes and their measurement within experience sampling studies of self-injurious thoughts and behaviours
A systematic review and meta-ethnography of client and therapist perspectives of the therapeutic alliance in the context of psychotherapy and suicidal experiences
The role of motivation in clinical presentation, treatment engagement and response in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: A systematic review
Psychopathy and Impairments in Emotion Regulation: A systematic review and Meta-analysis
The cognitive theory of panic disorder: A systematic narrative review
Risk and protective factors of youth crime: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Resilience in the face of neurodivergence: A scoping review of resilience and factors promoting positive outcomes
Measures of mental imagery in emotional disorders: A COSMIN systematic review of psychometric properties
From dread to disorder: A meta-analysis of the impact of death anxiety on mental illness symptoms
Barriers to accessing mental health care for refugees and asylum seekers in high-income countries: A scoping review of reviews mapping demand and supply-side factors onto a conceptual framework