Autistic Applicants’ Job Interview Experiences and Accommodation Preferences: An Intersectional Analysis The Time to Succeed: CEO Appointment Phase Entrainment and Post-Succession Firm Operational Performance. Green Innovation Implementation: A Systematic Review and Research Directions. An Identity Threat Appraisal Framework Explaining Distinct Reactions to Active- and Passive-Aggressive Abusive Supervision. Alignment in Mature Ecosystems: An Iterative Process Of Interorganizational Influence. Reenvisioning Family-Supportive Organizations Through a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Perspective: A Review and Research Agenda. The “WEIRDEST” Organizations in the World? Assessing the Lack of Sample Diversity in Organizational Research. Corporate Short-Termism: A Review and Research Agenda. The Affective Revolution in Entrepreneurship: An Integrative Conceptual Review and Guidelines for Future Investigation. The Political Consequences of Work: An Integrative Review. The High Cost of Cheap Talk: How Disingenuous Ethical Language Can Reflect Agency Costs. Resistance to Change: Unraveling the Roles of Change Strategists, Agents, and Recipients. The Use of Trajectories in Management Research: A Review and Insights for Future Research. Corporate Responses to Social Activism: A Review and Research Agenda. Toward a Stakeholder View of Upper Echelons: A Framework Synthesis Review and Future Research Agenda. Collective Creativity and Innovation: An Interdisciplinary Review, Integration, and Research Agenda. Hitting the "Grass Ceiling": Golfing CEOs, Exclusionary Schema, and Career Outcomes for Female Executives. Not Always Helpful: Linking Intrateam Helping Types to Team Effectiveness From a Role Theory Perspective. Shareholder Politics: The Influence of Investors' Political Affiliations on Corporate Social Responsibility. Now It Makes More Sense: How Narratives Can Help Atypical Actors Increase Market Appeal. Cleansing or Licensing? Corporate Social Responsibility Reconciles the Competing Effects of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior on Moral Self-Regulation. Strategy by Doing and Product-Market Performance: A Contingency View. Coworker Injustices and Their Delegated Authority: Developing an Indirect Actor Model of Supervisor Justice. Strengthening the Theoretical Perspective on Action in Routines Research With the Analytical Philosophy of Agency. A Socio-Cognitive Explanation of Organizational Grouping Decisions: Multidivisional Firms and the Formation of Their Divisions. Employee Incentives and Family Firm Innovation: A Configurational Approach. Relieving the Pressure: Team Familiarity Attenuates External Conformity Pressure on Team Member Decisions. Rising Every Time We Fall: Organizational Fortitude and Response to Adversities. Loaded Down From Speaking Up: A Resource-Based Examination of Voicer Regret Following Supervisor Delegation. The Effect of Incoming Board Interlocks With Public Firms on Private Firms' Survival: Large-Scale Evidence From India. Many Roads to Success: Broadening Our Views of Academic Career Paths and Advice. Not Like the Rest of Us? How CEO Celebrity Affects Quarterly Earnings Call Language. Networking Fast and Slow: The Role of Speed in Tie Formation. The Perverse Consequence of Firms' Negative Publicity in Stigmatized Industries: CEOs' Board Appointments. Coworker Narcissism: Employee Emotional and Behavioral Reactions as Moderated by Bottom-Line Mentality and Trait Competitiveness. Green by Affiliation? Ownership Identity and Environmental Management System Adoption in Chinese Business Groups. Identity-Consistent Self-Image Maintenance Following Leader Abuse: Integrating Self-Presentation and Self-Concept Orientation Perspectives. A Tale of Two Types of Standard Setting: Evidence From Artificial Intelligence in China. The Collective Candidate Experience: Theory and Business Unit Consequences. Better Safe Than Sorry: CEO Regulatory Focus and Workplace Safety. Invisible Inequalities: Barriers, Challenges, and Opportunities. Diversity Ideologies, Beliefs, and Climates: A Review, Integration, and Set of Recommendations. Contributive Justice: An Invisible Barrier to Workplace Inclusion. Known and Unknown Mental Illness: Uncovering the Multiple Routes to Workplace Inequities. A Multidimensional Framework for Examining the Effects of Social Class on Organizational Behavior. Visible but Hidden: An Intersectional Examination of Identity Management Among Sexual Minority Employees. Contextual Inequality in the Performance Costs of Financial Precarity. The Regulation of Religion by Secular Work Practice: Exploring Muslim Employees' Performance of Religious Practice. Intersectional Inequalities and Invisibilization in Organizations: The Case of Indian Beauty and Wellness Services. Reinforcing Political Inequality Through Diversity Initiatives: A Field-Level Perspective.