Reflecting on the Origins of Subjective Experience.
Psychology of Planning.
Thought-Feeling Accuracy in Person Perception and Metaperception: An Integrative Perspective.
Categories in Social Interaction: Unlocking the Resources of Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorization for Psychological Science.
Self- and Observer Reports of Personality.
The Neurobiology of Activational Aspects of Motivation: Exertion of Effort, Effort-Based Decision Making, and the Role of Dopamine
Sexual Incentive Motivation and Sexual Behavior: The Role of Consent
A Systematic Review of Implementation Research on Determinants and Strategies of Effective HIV Interventions for Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States
Music Training and Nonmusical Abilities
Serial Dependence in Perception
What Does the Human Olfactory System Do, and How Does It Do It?
The Relation Between Attention and Memory
Modeling Similarity and Psychological Space
Metacognition and Confidence: A Review and Synthesis.
Beyond the Tricks: The Science and Comparative Cognition of Magic.
Moral Improvement of Self, Social Relations, and Society.
Social Media and Morality
Norm Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Norm Emergence, Persistence, and Change
Pursuing Safety in Social Connection: A Flexibly Fluid Perspective on Risk Regulation in Relationships
Knowledge Transfer Within Organizations: Mechanisms, Motivation, and Consideration
The Neuroscience of Human and Artificial Intelligence Presence
How Can People Become Happier? A Systematic Review of Preregistered Experiments
Cultural Psychology: Beyond East and West
Achievement Goals: A Social Influence Cycle
Why We Should Stop Trying to Fix Women: How Context Shapes and Constrains Women's Career Trajectories.
Resilience and Disaster: Flexible Adaptation in the Face of Uncertain Threat
Psychological Flexibility, Chronic Pain, and Health
Computational Social Psychology
The Moral Psychology of Artificial Intelligence
Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Drugs: Navigating High Hopes, Strong Claims, Weak Evidence, and Big Money.
The Self-Control of Eating.
The Incentive-Sensitization Theory of Addiction 30 Years On.
Seeking Communal Emotions in Social Practices That Culturally Evolved to Evoke Emotions: Worship, Kitten Videos, Memorials, Narratives of Love, and More.
What Gets Shared, and Why? Interpersonal Communication and Word of Mouth.
Unawareness of Attitudes, Their Environmental Causes, and Their Behavioral Effects.
Partisan Bias in Political Judgment.
Haptic Perception and Its Relation to Action.
Alexithymia: Towards an Experimental, Processual Affective Science with Effective Interventions.
The Power and Pitfalls of Social Norms.
Cognitive Control.
How Do People Feel About Mates?
Moral Learning and Decision-Making Across the Lifespan.
The Social Psychology of Justice Repair.
Attentional Capture and Control.
Interoceptive Mechanisms and Emotional Processing.
Representation of Anticipated Rewards and Punishments in the Human Brain.
Morality in Our Mind and Across Cultures and Politics.
Psychological Determinants of Health Behavior.