Phase Control in Monometallic and Alloy Nanomaterials.
Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: A Theory and Simulation Perspective.
Two-Dimensional Materials for Brain-Inspired Computing Hardware.
Metal Ion Signaling in Biomedicine.
The Carbene Chemistry of N -Sulfonyl Hydrazones: The Past, Present, and Future.
Targeted Covalent Modification Strategies for Drugging the Undruggable Targets.
Beyond In Vivo , Pharmaceutical Molecule Production in Cell-Free Systems and the Use of Noncanonical Amino Acids Therein.
Protein-Based Degraders: From Chemical Biology Tools to Neo-Therapeutics.
Hydrolysis, Ligand Exchange, and Redox Properties of Vanadium Compounds: Implications of Solution Transformation on Biological, Therapeutic, and Environmental Applications.
The Impact of Electric Fields on Processes at Electrode Interfaces.
Interfacial Catalysis at Atomic Level.
Covalent Template-Directed Synthesis: A Powerful Tool for the Construction of Complex Molecules.
Synthetic Lipid Biology.
Small Data Machine Learning Approaches in Molecular and Materials Science.
Introduction to Green Hydrogen.
Introduction: Fluorescent Probes in Biology.
Introduction: Two-Dimensional Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides.
How to Propose a Great Chemical Reviews Article.
Introduction: Operando and In Situ Studies in Catalysis and Electrocatalysis.
Introduction: Ionic Liquids for Diverse Applications.
Topological Materials Go Meta.
Introduction: Molecular Crowding.
Introduction: Wearable Devices.
Hydrogen Embrittlement as a Conspicuous Material ChallengeComprehensive Review and Future Directions.
Ionic Liquids for the Separation of Fluorocarbon Refrigerant Mixtures.
Introduction: Persistent and Stable Organic Radicals.
Mechanisms of Biological Effects of Ionic Liquids: From Single Cells to Multicellular Organisms.
Rechargeable Metal-Sulfur Batteries: Key Materials to Mechanisms.
Syngas Production from CO 2 and H 2 O via Solid-Oxide Electrolyzer Cells: Fundamentals, Materials, Degradation, Operating Conditions, and Applications.
Optimizing Chemical Reactions.
Exploring Emergent Properties in Enzymatic Reaction Networks: Design and Control of Dynamic Functional Systems.
Introduction: Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials.
Computer-Aided Molecular Design of Ionic Liquids as Advanced Process Media: A Review from Fundamentals to Applications.
2D Materials in Flexible Electronics: Recent Advances and Future Prospectives.
Recent Strategies for the Synthesis of Phase-Pure Ultrathin 1T/1T' Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets.
Materials-Driven Soft Wearable Bioelectronics for Connected Healthcare.
Nanocrystals for Deep-Tissue In Vivo Luminescence Imaging in the Near-Infrared Region.
Multiscale Modeling of Aqueous Electric Double Layers.
Viscosity of Ionic Liquids: Theories and Models.
Serotonin 2A Receptor (5-HT 2A R) Agonists: Psychedelics and Non-Hallucinogenic Analogues as Emerging Antidepressants.
Crystal-Phase Engineering in Heterogeneous Catalysis.
Flexible and Stretchable Light-Emitting Diodes and Photodetectors for Human-Centric Optoelectronics.
Late-Stage Functionalization of Living Organisms: Rethinking Selectivity in Biology.
Luminescent Radicals.
Correction to Molecular Chirality and Its Monitoring by Ultrafast X-ray Pulses.
Soft Sensors and Actuators for Wearable Human-Machine Interfaces.
Direct Methane Oxidation by Copper- and Iron-Dependent Methane Monooxygenases.
A Guide to Printed Stretchable Conductors.
Chemically Modified Platforms for Better RNA Therapeutics.
Phase Engineering of Nanostructural Metallic Materials: Classification, Structures, and Applications.